GEM 2022  Mission

Russia-Ukraine War

U.S. Press On GEM Ukraine Missions
Fox Business
Howard Buffett says private sector can increase investment in Ukraine
New York Social Diary
GEM: A Precious Commodity, Part I
The Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror
Designer with royal roots charts her own course
in Forney
Airbnb Prioritizes Refugee Support with a $2 Million Initiative
New York Times
Bucha Gets a Remake, but Pain Lingers Behind the Facade
Short Term Rentalz starts $2m sponsorship initiative to support refugees
Fox News
Russian shelling kills two in Kharkiv
TVP World
Flooded buildings could collapse in Kherson after dam destruction: expert
Egypt Independent
‘What is there to be afraid of?’ Ukrainians in battered southern town hopeful about counteroffensive
EA Worldview
Ukraine War, Day 469: Putin’s “Environmental Bomb”? The Destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam
The Guardian
Thousands flee homes as collapse of dam is blamed on Russian forces
Yahoo Finance
Huge Record Shipment of Nearly One Billion Seeds Donated to Ukrainian Families Affected by the War
Ukrainian News
The Americans are completing the reconstruction of the infamous Vokzalnaya street in Bucha – 50 houses restored
Howard Buffett speaks to CNN after his latest trip to Ukraine
PBS Newshour
As war rages on, Ukraine begins costly reconstruction while fighting corruption
GEM Volunteers Deliver Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine’s Hottest Spots
Richard Branson and Howard G. Buffett discuss supporting Ukraine and the fight for global justice and democracy
PBS Newshour
As War Rages On, Ukraine Begins Costly Reconstruction While Fighting Corruption
The Story Exchange
One Year After the Russian Invasion, Here Are 7 Charities Providing Aid to Ukrainians
Yahoo News
Life in Ukraine’s Ghost Towns
Odessa Journal
The Ukrainian House in Davos opens its doors from January 16 to 19
TVP World
There is no handbook for humanitarian aid, each disaster is different: GEM founder
TVP World
World for Ukraine international summit concludes in southeastern Poland
Airbnb News
Two years later:’s support for communities around the world
2 Paragraphs
Pelé, 82, Announces Cristiano Ronaldo Award During World Cup
The Story Exchange
Feeling Charitable? Here Are 7 Organizations Providing Aid to Ukrainians
News 12
Stamford resident spends months in Ukraine providing aid through nonprofit USA For Ukraine
New York Times
One Big Problem for Ukraine Is Clear: Glass
NBC News
Ukrainian students return to class as organizations work to rebuild schools
New York Times
First Day of School in Ukraine, Upended by the Bleak Season of War
Philly Sports Network
Philadelphia Union icons will play at Subaru Park one more time in ‘Legends for Peace’ charity game
STRONG SUPPORT FOR VOGUE SHOOT ... From Ukrainian Relief Orgs
Israel 21c
Ukrainian refugee kids get smart classrooms to continue studies
Fox 13
Utah company to send 7,000 hygiene kits to those still living in Ukraine
NBC Miami
South Florida-based Network Gives Inside Look at Helping Ukrainians Survive
Short Term Rentalz announces partnerships to house 100k Ukrainian refugees
NBC News
Americans help to deliver critical aid to Ukraine
Palm Beach Daily News
Ukraine Refugee Fund gets another matching grant; $700,000 already given to groups helping refugees
Hollywood Reporter
Bethenny Frankel on Providing Disaster Relief for Ukraine, Raising Nearly $20M
ABC News
Q&A: Bethenny Frankel eyes $100M goal for Ukraine relief
Why Prince Charles’s goddaughter has swapped the Bahamas for the Ukrainian border
NBC News
‘I’m feeling hopeless’: African students desperate after escaping Sumy war zone
ABC News
Number of refugees fleeing Ukraine grows to more than 2.5 million
Scammers are pretending to raise money for Ukraine. Here’s how to make sure your donation goes to the right place.
The Joel Foundation To Donate Aid For Ukrainian Refugee Relief
How Americans can help the people of Ukraine
The Richest
Bethenny Frankel’s Foundation Raises $25 Million For Ukraine
CBS News
Charities helping Ukrainians in need

International Press on GEM Ukraine Missions

V Variant
В Покровской громаде восстанавливают поврежденные вражескими обстрелами дома (фото)
Благодійники зі США замінили майже 3000 вікон у пошкоджених будівлях на Херсонщині
Bahmut 1571
Бахмутян підтримують і в місті Кривий Ріг
Build Portal
На Київщині за рік встановлено 29 тисяч вікон на пошкоджених ворогом об’єктах
Recovery Window UA
Завдяки міжнародним партнерам цього року в Києві встановлено понад 29 тисяч вікон
На Київщині за рік встановили 29 тисяч вікон на пошкоджених росіянами об’єктах
Kherson News
Жители трех сел получили гуманитарную помощь
UKR inform
Three villages in Kherson region receive humanitarian aid from U.S. benefactors
V Variant
Жители Покровськой громады получили семейные продовольственные наборы от благотворителей (фото)
Nikopol News
Мешканцям Томаківської громади видали питну воду 12 червня (фото)
Организация «GEM» продолжает помогать изюмчанам
Nikopol News
Гуманітарна допомога на Нікопольщині: видача хліба, продуктових наборів та грошей
V Variant
20 семей ВПЛ с Луганщины в Киеве получат продовольственные наборы от GEM
Kolo News
Перша партія зі 159 вікон прибула в Супрунівку, яка постраждала від удару РФ
Kherson Council
Жителям Зеленівського округу доставили допомогу
Kherson Council
Чергову допомогу отримали жителі Степанівського старостинського округу
Vostochniy Variant
Жителям Часового Яра в Донецкой области международники доставили генераторы (фото)
Vostochniy Variant
В поврежденных домах Покровска установили почти 4 тысячи окон от "GEM"
Pivden Ukraine
Благодійна допомога не зменшується на Запоріжжі
До Запоріжжя завітала міжнародної організації “Global Empowerment Mission”
Международные партнеры помогут обустроить жилье для переселенцев в Запорожье
Продовжуємо співпрацю з Global Empowerment Mission
Zoda Gov UA
UN News
Blockade of the Polish border: Ukrainian drivers stuck in queues receive food packages
Ministry for Restoration
на заблоковані прикордонні пункти пропуску привезли гарячу їжу та продуктові набори
Заблокованим у пунктах пропуску українським водіям доставили 500 порцій гарячих обідів та продуктові набори.
Pokrovsk News
До Покровська надійшла чергова партія віконних конструкцій від GEM: хто отримає
Business Insider
"Pomoc dla Ukrainy często jest marnotrawiona". Szef organizacji humanitarnej odsłania kulisy
Kharkov Regional Council
GEM у партнерстві з Howard G Buffett Fondation (HGBF)в Обласному центрі служби крові встановлять вікна.
Kyiv Umoloda
Vostochniy Variant
360 семей ВПЛ с Луганщины в Киеве получили продуктовые наборы от благотворителей
Vostochniy Variant
На Донетчину доставили продуктовые наборы и мощные генераторы
Donetska ODA
Переселенці з Донеччини продовжують отримувати різноманітні види гуманітарної допомоги
Vostochniy Variant
Мариупольцы получили продуктовые наборы от международных партнеров
Vostochniy Variant
За 5 дней громады Донетчины получили более 824 тонн благотворительной помощи: кто ее предоставил
Комісар ООН відвідав Ірпінь, де відновлюють 70 зруйнованих внаслідок агресії РФ будинків
Suspilne News
У місті на Черкащині розпочали новий етап відновлювальних робіт після ракетного удару
Kyiv In Mind
Ремонт пошкодженого після останніх обстрілів житла почався на Київщині (ВІДЕО)
Suspilne News
У Вишневому почали встановлювати нові вікна замість вибитих ракетною атакою росіян
Американской благотворильеній фонд передал энергодарцам более 18 тысяч продуктовых наборов
Poltava News
У хабах Донеччини видають гуманітарну допомогу внутрішньо переміщеним особам
Radio Vilne
В Краматорске продолжается регистрация на гуманитарную помощь: кто и как может её получить
Рішення для відбудови: на Київщині УВКБ ООН відремонтувало понад 2 200 приватних будинків
Moct Xepcoh
GEM доставив на Херсонщину чергову партію допомоги
Kherson Rayon
Американські благодійники доставили допомогу для Херсонщини
Американський фонд Global Empowerment Mission (GEM) продовжує підтримувати Херсонщину

Live Updates

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Logistical Operations

Warsaw Poland

30,000 sq ft warehouse / 2500 Pallet Slots 

Kyiv Ukraine

74,500 sq ft warehouse / 5000 Pallet Slots

Our work in 2023 and 2024 is in full partnership with The Howard G Buffett Foundation

The Howard G. Buffett Foundation

Summary Stats

What we've accomplished to date

Supporting various Ukrainian programs from February 24, 2022 to present
$ 0
Meals provided
Total relocations
Trucks of aid delivered inside Ukraine and neighboring countries
Windows installed to date
Seeds distributed
Rebuilding projects
Generators delivered

Summary Stats

What we've accomplished to date

Total relocations
Trucks of aid delivered inside Ukraine and neighboring countries
In aid committed February 24, 2022 to February 24, 2024
$ 0
Shipped and delivered aid to date
$ 0
Trucks delivered inside Ukraine
Individuals placed in temporary housing
Containers received from USA
Ukrainian cities serviced
Emergency war zone extractions
Buildings repaired
Windows installed to date
Window replacements in progress
Homes repaired

GEM BStrong has provided significant relief aid to the following 983 cities, towns, and villages

(map does not include relocations)

Phase 1: Disaster Relief

We established solutions, partnerships and strategies to recognize and assist all those affected, not only in Ukraine, but those displaced in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, Georgia, and beyond.

Border Refugee Support

On February 25, 2022, the second day of the invasion, GEM BStrong arrived in Medyka, Poland, along the Ukrainian-Polish border offering aid and support to refugees fleeing Ukraine.


In March 2022, GEM Bstrong established partnerships with the former first lady of Poland, Jolanta Kwaśniewska, Why Not Travel, and Airbnb. This program relocated 38,744 Ukrainian refugees to over 40 countries and placed 13,624 people in temporary housing.

Aid Distributions throughout the region

In March 2022, GEM activated its partnership with professional military NGOs such as Arial Recovery Group and many others. During this period, getting aid inside Ukraine required highly advanced tactics and methods. Since then, GEM has now established partnerships with over 150 vetted Ukrainian and European NGOs. To date, we have sent over 1,744 trucks into the region spanning 983 towns and cities. GEM currently delivers over 200 truckloads of aid to the front-line communities every month, supporting hundreds of thousands of people.

Phase 2: The Gap Period​​

Due to the unique circumstances in Ukraine, it’s critical that aid continues to flow to the millions of in country displaced persons who are currently moving around from city to city to avoid bombings. This is called the gap period.

Smart Classes

Smart Classes are an education initiative to provide displaced children with classrooms and resources to continue their schooling. In partnership with SmartAid, classes have been established in Poland, Romania, Moldova, and Ukraine. Every classroom is equipped with all the technology needed for students to maintain their learning, while following the Ukrainian Ministry of Education’s curriculum.

Government Partnership

Since May 2022, GEM has established long-term memorandums of understanding with many regional governors and mayors throughout Ukraine. Within these agreements, GEM commits to supplying these regional government hubs with aid and winterization supplies. Government partnerships are in place with Bucha, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Poltava, Vinnytsia, Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kviv regions.

Supporting newly liberated towns and cities

Recently many areas of Ukraine have been successfully liberated. Some of these villages, cities, and regions had been occupied for months on end, where access to proper resources were unavailable. Those in these regions have not seen outside assistance this entire time, and were at direct risk during the occupation period. Our GEM Ukraine team works closely with local government, partners, and intel to bring aid into these recently liberated areas within days, such as Kherson, Donetsk, Iziym, Avdiivka, and many more. Again, these individuals have not had any outside aid or assistance and this is the first relief they have had in months.


With average temperatures of below 0 Celsius, the approaching winter has been a concern for the last few months. GEM was able to plan accordingly for this cold weather and has been supplying life-saving aid beforehand. This includes thousands of warm blankets and bedding, generators, small space heaters, fire starter kits, and more. Additionally, our rebuilding efforts were extra necessary in order to quickly repair broken windows and heating units before temperatures dropped and rain and snow fell.


The Ukraine government & President’s office has created thousands of ‘Invincibility Points’ throughout the country, offering a space where locals can come get hot meals, access to device chargers, a warm space, supplies, and community support. GEM is presently supporting over 200 of these points, providing self-heating warm meals, blankets, generators, and other area-specific supplies. As more of these points are established, we will be able to assist many more locals routinely throughout Ukraine.

Phase 3: Sustainable Development

GEM, in partnership with Life Quality, has activated its Phase 3 rebuild programs in response to an overwhelming desire for Ukrainians to return back home to a sense a normalcy and hope for the future.

Vital Repairs

These repairs include supplying communities with sustenance supplies until they are fully back up and running. During this phase, we have committed to rebuilding and light repair work on hundreds of homes, apartment buildings, schools, medical centers, and more. These projects have allowed for hundreds of people to return to their homes, thousands of students to return to school, and for the local economy to be refreshed. All rebuild work is performed in low-risk areas where critical risk assessment measures have been taken.

Front Line Support

In partnership with the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, major distributions along the active front lines have been taking place in the most needed areas. These communities are the hardest to reach and can be without support for months on end. We have been able to supply dozens of villages with Family Necessity Kits, generators, blankets, and more. We have been able to supply hundreds of these communities with Family Necessity Kits, generators, blankets, mattresses, and more. We are presently sending over 200 trucks per month to these regions.

Windows Program

Alongside the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, GEM has been actively working to repair thousands of windows that were destroyed due to the attacks. The windows are produced in-country, which supported these manufacturing facilities to have work during an uncertain time. By preforming these window repairs, thousands of families have been able to benefit by being able to stay in the comfort of their own home, without having to become displaced due to the freezing temperatures or discomfort.