토착 영향
미국 및 전 세계 원주민 부족은 재난이 발생했을 때뿐만 아니라 평상시에도 독특한 어려움에 직면해 있습니다. 이러한 지역사회를 지원하는 GEM의 최신 이니셔티브는 부족 지도자, 원로 및 주민들과 직접 협력하여 우리가 사업을 수행하는 땅과 문화적 역사를 가장 존중하는 방식으로 이루어질 것입니다. '부족 영향력' 기둥은 재난 구호, 대비, 교육을 통한 장기적 역량 강화에 전념하는 연중 프로그램과 임무를 수행할 것입니다. 또한 이 기둥을 통해 원주민의 목소리와 권리를 장려하고 권한을 부여하며, 지역, 국가, 국제적 차원에서 원주민 커뮤니티의 보존과 평등을 위한 옹호자가 되기를 희망합니다.
Cold Springs Rancheria
GEM USA West team continually supports the Cold Springs Rancheria tribe. This is a low-income community that faces societal challenges, as well as hardships around preserving their culture. The GEM team is working with this tribe to reestablish and preserve their culture, in order for future generations to continue their heritage. GEM also supports this group, located in Tollhouse, California, with supplies such as mattresses, home goods, school supplies, Family Necessity Kits, and more.
Tule River
Located in Tulare County, California, the Tule River Reservation is presently home to 1,900 tribal members. GEM has a close relationship with this community, its Chief, Tribal council members, and spiritual leader. Initially responding to flooding, GEM now supports this community on a routine basis. Immediate needs, like food, is always important, but we strive to offer this community longer-term solutions to strengthen itself. For example, computers for schooling or large-scale water supplies.
Our GEM LATAM Director met and spoke with indigenous entrepreneurs in Guatemala, for training and education. Promoting education and business programs that sustain indigenous communities is important for preservation of their culture and livelihoods.