Bethenny Frankel’s bstrong program operated by Global Empowerment Mission is a disaster relief initiative that provides real-time emergency assistance to individuals and their families in crisis. Our mission is to empower people struck with tragedy by providing gift cards, emergency aid, food and shelter to disaster victims.
Since the launch of the bstrong initiative in 2017, it has raised and distributed millions of dollars in cash and supplies for victims of natural disasters and conflicts around the world. In the United States, Puerto Rico, South America, Caribbean islands, Australia, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, the amazon and Sudan, children, families, women, and men whose lives have been upended by catastrophe have found a helping hand and a start at recovery through programs provided by bStrong. GEM is the official bStrong partner.
By donating to GEM’s bstrong fund, no administrative or overhead expenses are withdrawn. 100% of bstrong donations go to the cause.
All funds donated to Global Empowerment Mission through the BStrong partnership are restricted to the distribution and logistics of purchasing and delivering disaster-relief supplies, sending rescue teams to disaster-struck areas, and distributing gift cards to affected populations. 100% of BStrong donations go directly to helping individuals in disaster affected areas with no administrative or overhead expenses withdrawn. GEM is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization providing emergency disaster relief.