International presse om GEM's missioner i Ukraine
Our work in 2023 and 2024 is in full partnership with The Howard G Buffett Foundation
Sammenfattende statistik
Hvad vi har opnået indtil nu
Sammenfattende statistik
Hvad vi har opnået indtil nu
GEM BStrong har ydet betydelig nødhjælp til følgende 983 byer og landsbyer
(kortet omfatter ikke flytninger)
Fase 1: Katastrofehjælp
Vi etablerede løsninger, partnerskaber og strategier for at anerkende og hjælpe alle de berørte, ikke kun i Ukraine, men også de fordrevne i Polen, Ungarn, Rumænien, Slovakiet, Moldova, Georgien og andre steder.
Uddeling af bistand i hele regionen
In March 2022, GEM activated its partnership with professional military NGOs such as Arial Recovery Group and many others. During this period, getting aid inside Ukraine required highly advanced tactics and methods. Since then, GEM has now established partnerships with over 150 vetted Ukrainian and European NGOs. To date, we have sent over 1,744 trucks into the region spanning 983 towns and cities. GEM currently delivers over 200 truckloads of aid to the front-line communities every month, supporting hundreds of thousands of people.