GEM Prensa Internacional para el terremoto de Kahramanmaras
Actualizaciones en directo
GEM and HCI teams on another hygeine kit distribution to hundreds of families within the Deir al-Balah and the Khan Yunis regions joined by the chef Hamada @hamadashoo
Today, GEM MENA team distributed hygiene kits in one of the tent villages that we built some weeks ago.
#gaza #humanity #gemmissions
GEM MENA team, together with the @hcicanada youth ambassador @renadfromgaza, distributed hundreds of hygiene kits to families within the tent villages of Deir al-Balah in Gaza.
The families were extremely grateful for this aid and were truly shocked at the quality of the products. They told us that a lot of these items have not been seen in the markets since before the war.
#gaza #gemmissions #peace #humanity
There is nothing more joyful than seeing a smiling and happy kid.
GEM MENA team bringing smiles to children in Gaza at one of the the villages where we delivered tents.
#gaza #palestinian #children #gemmissions #humanity
GEM teams deployed out to another Tekeia (field kitchen) in Gaza to distribute flour and beans.
This kitchen cooks meals for over 2000 people in the surrounding tent community. People very happy to see the team arrive with fresh supply as their store was almost empty.
GEM MENA deployed to a Tekeia in the heart of Al Mawasi Khan Yunis to distribute critical food supplies for the kitchen to carry on cooking for the displaced people within the surrounding areas. ...
GEM teams deployed to the Khan Yunis port to distribute bags of flour to 4000 people who have set up camp in the recent weeks due to the latest evacuation orders.
This port only a few weeks ago was completely empty and now has become a home to over 10,000 people.
GEM MENA team deployed out to a small tent school located on the coastal road of Deir Al Balah to distribute fresh bottled water to a group of children who have been getting missed by the water truck on a daily basis.
This is just one of many that we are trying to reach. Getting aid into Gaza is slow and dangerous and the most recent evacuation orders have led to main supply roads becoming increasingly difficult to navigate due to huge amounts of people now living on them.
Despite these challenges, GEM will continue to support.

Estadísticas resumidas

GEM BStrong ha proporcionado una importante ayuda de emergencia a las 226 ciudades y pueblos siguientes

Fase 1: Ayuda a la catástrofe
El 6 de febrero, dos grandes terremotos sacudieron Turquía y Siria de madrugada, con réplicas que siguen produciéndose más de una semana después. Decenas de miles de personas perdieron la vida y muchas más resultaron heridas. Hasta junio de 2023, se confirmaba que más de 8 millones de viviendas y edificios se habían visto afectados, dejando cientos de miles de desplazados. El terremoto de Kahramanmaras se considera la catástrofe natural más mortífera de la última década. Gracias a la preparación de GEM para cualquier catástrofe mundial, nuestro equipo pudo desplegarse inmediatamente y estar sobre el terreno el mismo día.
GEM BStrong tenía un compromiso inicial de 10.000.000 $ en ayuda crítica, que aumentó rápidamente a 20.000.000 $ una vez que pudimos ver la inconmensurable magnitud del desastre. Inmediatamente pudimos desplegar aviones de carga a través de una asociación con la Embajada de Turquía en Washington, D.C. y el Consulado General en Miami a través de Turkish Airlines. Esta ayuda llegará en forma de alimentos, productos de higiene, ropa de cama y tiendas de campaña, ropa de rescate y mucho más. A medida que las necesidades crezcan y progresen, también lo hará nuestra respuesta.
Nuestra sede central en Miami (Florida), la sucursal de EE.UU. Oeste en Chico (California) y la sucursal europea en Varsovia (Polonia ) están recogiendo suministros para enviarlos a Turquía y Siria. Todos los artículos recogidos se transportarán a nuestro almacén de Mersin (Turquía) y se distribuirán en las regiones más afectadas de las zonas afectadas por el terremoto.
Since February, we have distributed tens of thousands of our Family Necessity Kits to affected families in both Turkey and Syria. We have also been able to distribute major quantities of hygiene products, new clothing, new shoes, bedding and home goods. We have reached hundreds of thousands of individuals in 7 provinces, reaching almost 200 cities. Just as we do in our other branches, we have established long-standing infrastructure to be able to sustain both Turkey and Syria for the long term.