Sucursal de Europa

Jeżewice, Polonia
Esta sucursal presta servicio a 27 países de la UE.

GEM Europa en directo

We are on Instagram
@wiktornv spoke about our aid efforts in Ukraine during the EU-UA Partnership Summit in Brussels. If you want to learn more about our work please visit our page
Meet our new partner @carolineickhoff @loveball_official 🙌This partnership will provide us with nutritious, natural bars to be included in our GEM necessity kits. Depending on the type, scope and location of the disaster, our family essentials kits include non-perishable food items, hydration products and essential hygiene products. #partnership #collaboration #humanitarianaid
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Misiones de GEM Europa

GEM Europe, in partnership with Goya Spain, is responding to the deadly flooding in Valencia, Spain. The floods have claimed the lives of dozens and caused severe destruction around the region. Already recorded as Spain’s worst disaster in the last 3 decades.
Storm Boris has caused significant flooding across Europe in the past few days. In regions such as Czechia & Poland, this has been the worst disaster in decades. The storm has already taken many lives and has forced thousands of people from their houses.
On November 16th, the GEM Europe team arrived in Iceland to support evacuees, and in anticipation for future volcanic activity. Since late October, Iceland has recorded over 20,000 earthquakes, with as many as 800 in a single day.
In July 2023, our GEM Europe team deployed to Greece, responding to the 90 active fires within the country. In coordination with local and foreign first responders, we worked to reach the most affected communities and distribute supplies.
La región de Emilia-Romaña, en el norte de Italia, registró la mitad de sus precipitaciones anuales en un lapso de 36 horas, devastando numerosas ciudades. Decenas de miles de personas han sido evacuadas.
El número total de incendios forestales en la Unión Europea desde principios de 2022 es casi cuatro veces superior a la media de los últimos 15 años para el mismo periodo de tiempo.
El 9 de septiembre de 2020 un enorme incendio arrasó un campo de refugiados masificado en la isla griega de Lesbos. Esto provocó que más de 13.000 personas que buscaban asilo se quedaran sin refugio.

Sucursales oficiales de GEM

This branch supports Southern California and Los Angeles.

This branch supports western states and pacific maritime exports.

This Branch supports 5 counties in Hawaii.

European Registered Branches

Esta sucursal presta apoyo a 27 países de la UE.

Esta sucursal presta apoyo a 24 oblasts de Ucrania.

Middle East North-Africa Branches

This branch supports Middle East and North African countries.

Esta sucursal presta apoyo a 7 provincias de Turquía y otros países de Oriente Medio y Norte de África.

Latin America and Caribbean

Esta rama presta apoyo a 21 países de América Central y del Sur

This branch supports all 10 provinces in Haiti and supports communities year round in Jacmel.

Centros de recuperación y centros comunitarios

Otras operaciones

Lo más destacado de nuestras operaciones en GEM África

Lo más destacado de nuestras operaciones en GEM Asia