GEM 2020 Tehtävä


GEM-tehtäväkohtainen lehdistö
GEM yhteistyössä Bethenny Frankelin BStrong-aloitteen kanssa Yhdenmukaista NCS-ryhmän kanssa luonnonkatastrofeja varten
ThedaCare saa PPE-lahjoituksen BSTRONG: lta ja Global Empowerment Missionilta
Haute Living
Kuinka nämä Miamin pelinvaihtajat ovat astuneet esiin ja antaneet takaisin tänä keväänä
Stony Brookin sairaalat saavat PPE: n BStrongin kautta
BStrong ja GEM lahjoittavat PPE:n Southamponin, Greenportin ja Stony Brookin sairaaloille
Tiedä, missä COVID-19 vie eniten ihmishenkiä yhteisössäsi
Daily Mail
Bethenny Frankel ylistää Lily Collinsia sen jälkeen, kun näyttelijä lahjoitti 20 000 dollaria naamioihin COVID-19-kriisin keskellä
Matthew McConaughey, vaimo Camila lahjoittaa 80 000 kasvomaskia COVID-19-etulinjalle
Fox Uutiset
Bethenny Frankel avautuu BStrong-aloitteesta koronaviruspandemian keskellä
Matthew ja Camila McConaughey lahjoittavat naamioita Austinin pelastustyöntekijöille
Tosi-tv-tähti Bethenny Frankel ja Global Empowerment Mission lyöttäytyvät yhteen A-listan julkkisten kanssa COVID-19-apuun
Bethenny Frankel kerää yli 17 miljoonaa dollaria koronaviruksen lievittämiseen, PPE
NY: n päivittäiset uutiset
Bethenny Frankelin säätiö ylittää 15 miljoonaa dollaria korona-apua tällä viikolla
Fox Uutiset
Bethenny Frankelin säätiön odotetaan ylittävän yli 15 miljoonaa dollaria korona-apua
Koronaviruspäivitys: Paikallinen hyväntekeväisyys toimii lääkepulan korjaamiseksi
Bethenny Frankel puhuu BStrong-aloitteesta koronaviruksen torjunnan tukemiseksi
Joel-säätiö lahjoittaa 500 000 dollaria COVID-19-avustustoimiin
Daily Mail
"Tehtävä suoritettu!" Bethenny Frankel toimittaa MILJOONA biovaarallista pukua New Yorkin terveysosastolle rajun COVID-19-puutteen keskellä
Daily Mail
"Tehtävä suoritettu!" Bethenny Frankel toimittaa MILJOONA biovaarallista pukua New Yorkin terveysosastolle rajun COVID-19-puutteen keskellä
Kuvernööri Ducey allekirjoitti kahden osapuolen valtion budjettisopimuksen
Bethenny Frankelin taistelun sisällä auttaaksemme koronaviruksen kärsimiä: "Työskentelemme 24 tuntia vuorokaudessa"
Kuvernööri Ducey ilmoittaa julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin kumppanuudesta lääketieteellisten lisälaitteiden turvaamiseksi
BETHENNY FRANKEL TOIMITAN 500,000 XNUMX NAAMIOTA ... Lääkärit, sairaanhoitajat epätoivoisia
BStrong lahjoittaa 10 000 kasvomaskia koronaviruksen avustustoimien auttamiseksi
Haluatko auttaa ruokkimaan lapsia, jotka ovat riippuvaisia kouluaterioista? Tässä on tapoja antaa
CBS Uutiset
Bethenny Frankel sanoo luovansa koronaviruspakkauksia ja keräävänsä rahaa lapsille, jotka eivät saa ilmaisia aterioita kouluissa
Bethenny Frankelin BStrong lahjoittaa 10 000 kasvonaamaria koronaviruksen avustustoimien auttamiseksi
Bethenny Frankel koronaviruspandemian auttamisesta: "En ole asiantuntija, mutta olen äiti ja newyorkilainen"
Koronaviruksen kuivumisongelmat ja hallituksen sertifioiman sisätautilääkärin osoitteet, jotka helpottavat lahjoituksen hyödyttämistä (kosteuttavia) terveydenhuollon työntekijöitä ja testipositiivisia potilaita pahoin kärsineissä osavaltioissa


P.P.E. jaetut tuotteet
Toimitettuja maskeja yhteensä
Lähetetyt ruiskut
Yhteensä Hazmat-puvut lähetetty
Täysikokoiset puolikuorma-autot
Hallinnoidut tilat
Bstrong Corona-sarjat
Pullot käsihuuhdetta
Palvelut Huolletut tilat

Vaihe 1:


Global Empowerment Mission vastasi yhteistyössä BStrongin kanssa ensimmäisessä vaiheessa katastrofiapuun toimittamalla miljoonia henkilönsuojaintarvikkeita sadoille laitoksille.


  • Sairaalat ja klinikat: 477+
  • Poliisi- ja palolaitokset: 26
  • Hoitokodit: 50
  • Osavaltion terveysosastot 8
  • Hautaustoimistot: 4
  • Armeija: 7 tukikohtaa
  • Muut: 50+


  • Arizonan osavaltio 500 000,00 dollaria
  • Medstar Health Systems $500,000.00
  • Inova Health $200,000.00
  • Indianan osavaltio $150,000.00

Maksetut apurahat yhteensä: $ 1,350,000.00
Verstandig Family Foundation Grantin puolesta


  • Wrigley/ Rockefeller: $132,000.00
  • NYC Moms $12,000.00

Vaihe 2


Global Empowerment Mission yhteistyössä BStrongin kanssa on tällä hetkellä toisessa vaiheessa, kuilukaudella,

  • Bstrong-käteiskorttien jakaminen niille, joihin koronaviruspandemia on vaikuttanut vakavasti Yhdysvalloissa.
  • Käynnisti Back-to-School-aloitteensa (ks. jäljempänä)
  • Käsihuuhdetta, naamioita ja koronapakkauksia sisältävien Back-to-School-sarjojen jakaminen

GEM Vaikutus

  • Toimitettu 1728 pulloa käsidesiä, 4400 naamiota ja 100 BStrong Corona Kitiä Broward County School Boardille varmistaen, että 241 koulua Broward countyssa on valmis suojelemaan oppilaita, kun koululuokat palaavat

Jos olet koulun tiedekunnan jäsen, joka haluaa pyytää henkilönsuojaimia koulullesi ja sijaitsee Yhdysvalloissa, napsauta tätä.

Jos olet lääketieteellisen palveluntarjoajan, ensivaste- tai etulinjan työntekijä, joka haluaa pyytää henkilönsuojaimia Yhdysvalloissa sijaitsevalle tiimillesi , napsauta tätä.

HENKILÖNSUOJAIMEN jakelun vastaanottajat

BStrong GEM toimitti 1 000 000 yksikköä kokovartalon suojapukuja Yorkin terveysministeriölle kuvernööri Cuomon kautta

BStrong GEM lahjoitti 500 000 dollaria Medstar Healthille Verstandig Family Foundationin puolesta

BStrong GEM lahjoitti 500 000 dollaria Arizonalle Verstandig Family Foundationin puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 200 000 kirurgista maskia Bill de Blasiolle DSAS Queen Central Storehousessa

BStrong GEM lahjoitti 200 000 dollaria Inova Health Systemsille Verstandig Family Foundationin puolesta

BStrong GEM lahjoitti 150 000 dollaria Indianalle Verstandig Family Foundationin puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 100 000 yksikköä kokovartalon suojapukuja useisiin yksityisiin York Cityn ja Long Islandin sairaaloihin Joel-säätiön (Billy ja Alexis Joel) puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 100 kosketusvapaata lämpömittaria Detroitin poliisilaitokselle Kate Uptonin puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 50 000 kirurgista maskia Selfhelp Community Services, Inc: lle tukemaan holokaustista selvinneitä koko Yorkin osavaltiossa.

BStrong GEM toimitti 100 000 yksikköä kokovartalon suojapukuja Louisianan terveysosastolle

BStrong GEM toimitti 20 000 KN95-maskia Partners Health Carelle

BStrong GEM toimitti 20 000 KN95-naamiota massakenraali Bostonille

BStrong GEM toimitti Camilan ja Matthew McConaugheyn puolesta 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 14 000 KN95-maskia Orleans East Hospitaliin

BStrong GEM toimitti 10 000 kirurgista maskia ja 7 000 KN95-naamiota Cedars SInaille LA: ssa

BStrong GEM toimitti 5 000 kirurgista maskia ja 10 000 KN95-naamiota NYU Langone Medical Centeriin

BStrong GEM toimitti 10 000 kirurgista maskia ja 5 000 KN95-maskia UCLA Health West Los Angelesiin

BStrong GEM toimitti 10 000 kirurgista maskia ja 5 000 KN95-maskia lastensairaalaan LA

BStrong GEM toimitti 10 000 kirurgista maskia ja 5 000 KN95-naamiota Torrance Memorial Medical Centeriin

BStrong GEM toimitti 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 8 000 KN95-maskia Orleansin terveysosastolle Camilan ja Matthew McConaugheyn puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 204 yksikköä kokovartalon suojapukuja, 8 000 kirurgista maskia ja 4000 KN95-naamiota Suffolkin piirikunnan sheriffin toimistoon

BStrong GEM toimitti Jackson Memorial -sairaalaan 5 000 kirurgista maskia, 5 500 KN95-maskia ja 1000 N95-maskia

BStrong GEM toimitti 10 000 KN95-naamiota Mount Siinai Queensille - Hätälääketieteen osasto

BStrong GEM toimitti 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 4 000 KN95-naamiota Austinin poliisilaitokselle Camilan ja Matthew McConaugheyn puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 4 000 KN95-naamiota Austinin palolaitokselle Camilan ja Matthew McConaugheyn puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 4000 KN95-naamiota Travis countyn sheriffin toimistoon Camilan ja Matthew McConaugheyn puolesta

BStrong GEM toimitti Martin Luther King Jr. Community Hospitaliin 6 000 kirurgista maskia ja 4 000 KN95-maskia

BStrong GEM toimitti 3 000 kirurgista maskia, 2 000 KN95-naamiota ja 2000 N95-maskia Baptist Health Etelä-Floridaan

BStrong GEM toimitti 2 000 kirurgista maskia ja 5 000 KN95-maskia NY Presbyterian Hospitaliin (NYPH)

BStrong GEM toimitti Newton Wellesleyyn 500 yksikköä kokovartalon suojapukuja, 4 000 kirurgista maskia ja 2 000 KN95-maskia

BStrong GEM Shipped 4,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Southern Colorado Health Network

BStrong GEM Shipped 108 units of full body protective suits, 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Navajo Nation Donations – FEMA COVID CENTER

BStrong GEM shipped 108 units of full body protective suits, 4,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Nassau County Correctional Center

BStrong GEM shipped 108 units of full body protective suits, 4,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Manhattan Detention Complex

BStrong GEM shipped 108 units of full body protective suits, 5,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Rikers Island

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 3,000 KN95 masks to Miami Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 6,000 Surgical masks to Broward County Inmates

BStrong GEM shipped 5,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Lee Health Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 800 Surgical masks and 5,200 KN95 masks to Crescent Care – Orleans Health Clinic on the behalf of Camila and Matthew McConaughey

BStrong GEM shipped 6,000 Surgical masks to US Air Force

BStrong GEM shipped 4,000 Surgical masks and 2000 N95 masks to Southern Colorado Health Network

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 2,000 KN95 masks and 1,400 N95 masks to Saint Joseph University Medical Ctr

BStrong GEM shipped 2,400 Surgical masks and 3,200 KN95 masks to Memorial Regional Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,500 KN95 masks to Nicklaus Childrens Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 5,000 KN95 masks to Willis-Knighton Health System

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to South Shore Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 2,000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to Montefiore Rochelle

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 2,000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to Southside Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 4,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Enloe Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to North Florida South Georgia V.A Medical center

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to UF Health Central Florida Leesburg Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Sanford Worthington Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Housing Works Community Healthcare

BStrong GEM Shipped 4,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Survivors Pathway Organization

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to *Mexico Primary Care Assoc (16 clinics)

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to FDNY EMS Help Fund

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks, 2,000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to LCMC Health

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,500 KN95 masks to Yale Newhaven Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits and 4,000 KN95 masks to Nassau County Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 1400 KN95 masks to MIami Dade Corrections Department

BStrong GEM shipped 400 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Parkland Memorial Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Gracie Square Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Eastern Long Island Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Saint Francis Hospital – Heart center on the behalf of The Joel Foundation (Billy and Alexis Joel)

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to John T. Mather Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Parkland memorial hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to UMass Memorial Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Brookhaven Memorial Hospital on the behalf of The Joel Foundation (Billy and Alexis Joel)

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Palisades Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Mountainside Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 1000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to Upstate University Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 1000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to Greenwich Anesthesia Associates

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2000 N95 masks to Mount Sinai – Miami

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks, 1000 KN95 masks and 500 N95 masks to Westchester Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Saint Charles Hospital – Anesthiology Dept

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Coalition for the Homeless

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Coral Gables Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility

BStrong GEM shipped 400 units of full body protective suits, 1,500 Surgical masks, 1,000 KN95 masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Long Island Jewish Medical Center – Northwell

BStrong GEM shipped 2,500 Surgical masks and 1,250 KN95 masks to Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center & Mareno Valley Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Brigham and women’s hospital Energency Dept

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to McCrite Plaza Retirement Community at Briarcliff

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Munson Health Care

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Banner University Medical Center South Campus

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Navajo nation health command center

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Stony Brook University Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 Surgical masks to Dade County Schools

BStrong GEM Shipped 456 units of full body protective suits, 2,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Lovelace Westside Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to North Colorado Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 3,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Nuvance Health Network

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Motion Picture & Television Country House and Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Navajo nation – ORENDA TRIBE

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Antelope Valley Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to MERCY HOSPITAL IOWA CITY

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to MERCY ONE SOUIXLAND MEDICAL CENTER

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to WASHINGTON COUNTY HOSPITAL

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Epiphany Health AKA Prime Health

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 2,500 KN95 masks to Mount Sinai South Nassau Mental Health Counseling Centers on the behalf of Amy Schumer

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 N95 masks to Yukon Kuskokwim health corporation

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Holy Name Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Broward Health North

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Bill Kleen VA

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Saint Mary’s Hospital for Children

BStrong GEM shipped 3,000 KN95 masks to Upper Allen Township Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Griffin Memorial Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 2,000 KN95 masks to Saint Johnland Nursing Center, Inc

BStrong GEM shipped 1,500 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Hospice of South Louisiana

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 2,000 N95 masks to Saint Barnabus Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits and 2,000 Surgical masks to Care Dimensions

BStrong GEM shipped 1,500 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Christus Coushatta Health Care Center

BStrong GEM shipped 24 units of full body protective suits and 2,000 Surgical masks to Becki Brownell – Homeless Outreach

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to Genesee County Sheriffs Dept

BStrong GEM Shipped 108 units of full body protective suits, 1,500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 Surgical masks to DC Department of Corrections – Correctional Detention Facility CDF & Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF)

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to McLaren Northern Michigan

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Saint Marys Hospital – Internal Medicine Dep

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Waterbury Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Hartford Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Northside Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to Children’s Hospital Orleans

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Metropolitan Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to Children’s National Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Mayo Clinic

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Fort Lauderdale Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2000 KN95 masks to Broward County Sheriff

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Vista Del Mar Child and Family Services

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 N95 masks to RYKERS – Robert N Davoren Center

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to NYPD – 78th Precinct

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to NYPD – 32nd Precinct

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to Providence Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to San Francisco Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to San Antonio Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 KN95 masks to Riverside County Sherriff’s Department

BStrong GEM shipped 2,000 Surgical masks to DC Deptartment of Corrections – Correctional Detention Facility CDF & Correctional Treatment Facility (CTF)

BStrong GEM shipped 200 units of full body protective suits, 500 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Desert Regional Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 700 KN95 masks to Saint Joseph’s Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 60 units of full body protective suits, 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Fort Defiance Indian Hospital (Tsehootsooi Medical Center)

BStrong GEM shipped 24 units of full body protective suits, 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Milford Regional Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 24 units of full body protective suits, 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to MPTF – Motion Picture & Television Fund

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to NCH -Anesthiology Dpt

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Good Sam Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Rainier Rehabilitation

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to MultiCare Health System

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to BridgePoint Hospital Capitol Hill

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to BridgePoint Continuing Care Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to BridgePoint Hospital National Harbor

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Tulane Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Saint Vincent’s Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 1,000 KN95 masks to Stony Brook Southampton Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Mulder Healthcare

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Swedish Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Garden Village

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Milford Regional Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Tift Regional Health System

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Hasbro Children’s Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Cape Fear Valley Health System

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Drs. Iacobelli and Sala Dental Office

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Englewood Care Clinic

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to UNC Health is the name of our hospital network

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Northeast Georgia Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to University Of Maryland Medical System

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Mercy Health Youngstown

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to North Kansas City Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Opa Locka Police Department

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to North Shore Medical – Miami

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to USS JOHN PAUL JONES

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 1000 KN95 masks to Olathe Health

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to MACTown, Inc

BStrong GEM shipped 1500 KN95 masks to Vernon C. Bain Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Equality Health Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to MACTown, Inc

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,500 KN95 masks to Vernon C. Bain Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Equality Health Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Sullivan County Adult Care Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to White Plains Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Keck Medicine of USC

BStrong GEM Shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to MaineHealth

BStrong GEM shipped 800 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Broward Children’s Center

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Luxor nursing and rehabilitation at mills pond

BStrong GEM shipped 500 units of full body protective suits, 500 Surgical masks and 30 KN95 masks to Gendernalik Funeral Home
BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 KN95 masks to Bright Horizons of Ramblewood

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 KN95 masks to Bright Horizons of Coral Springs

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 KN95 masks to Bright Horizons of Sunrise

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks to Charging Buffalo; One Spirit

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Sisters of Charity Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 1,000 Surgical masks to Crosby Commons Assisted Living

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Phoenix Children’s Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to ParkCenter

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to ClearView Healthcare Management

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Boulder City Hospital

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to M Health Fairview

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Hospice of Southern Maine

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to The University of Tennessee Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Boulder City Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Phoenix Children’s Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to ParkCenter

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to ClearView Healthcare Management

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Hospice of Southern Maine

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to M Health Fairview

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Sisters of Charity Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to University of Tennessee Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Cheyenne Regional Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Sanford Health Foundation

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Eisenhower Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Adventist health white memorial

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Griffin Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Doctors Hospital of Sarasota

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Palm Beach Habilitation Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to Englewood Hosptial

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 500 KN95 masks to NYC Health + Hospitals/Jacobi

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks, 250 KN95 masks and 50 N95 masks to Saint Mary’s Hospital Respiratory Dept

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 375 KN95 masks to PediPec, Inc.

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Rebekah Baines Johnson Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Tower Health

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Franciscan Health Hammond

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to King Nursing and Rehabilitation Community

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Frederic Nursing & Rehabilitation Community

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Tomah Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Babymoon Inn

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Horizons for Homeless Children

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Middlewoods Of Farmington

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Middlewoods of Newington

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to PhysioCare Home Healthcare & Hospice

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Masonic Village Lafayette Hikl

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Regency Assisted Living

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95
BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to House Lives Matter

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Park Creek Surgical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to John C Lincoln Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to MacNeal Hopsital

BStrong GEM shipped 250 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to University of Chicago

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Hannah Dustin Health Care

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Nebraska Medicine / UNMC

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Northeast Georgia Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to State of Utah

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to PCSO Pride Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Open Arms Healthcare Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to LGBTQ+ Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Great Falls LGBTQ Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Wyoming Equality

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to LGBT Life Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Q Center Portland

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Community Health Centers of Burlington

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to John C Lincoln Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Northeast Georgia Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to MacNeal Hopsital

BStrong GEM Shipped 250 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to University of Chicago

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to PCSO Pride Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Hannah Dustin health care

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Open Arms Healthcare Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Great Falls LGBTQ Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Nebraska Medicine / UNMC

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Q Center Portland

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Tower Health

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Rebekah Baines Johnson Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to State of Utah

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to LGBT Life Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to LGBTQ+ Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Wyoming Equality

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 N95 masks to Community Health Centers of Burlington

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Great Falls Clinic Hospital

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Arianna’s Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Elite home health services

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to TransInclusive Group

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to TransSOCIAL, Inc.

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Stamford

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Parkway Health and Rehabilitation

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Hackensack Meridian Health Palisades Medical Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Abbotts Creek Center

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 200 KN95 masks to Sullivan County Adult Care Center

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Sunshine Kids Pediatric Care PPEC

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 400 KN95 masks to Anderson Center for Autism

BStrong GEM shipped 500 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Boston Eye Surgery & Laser Center

BStrong GEM shipped 100 Surgical masks and 500 N95 masks to Shaw House

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to 23rd Court Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to 66th Street Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Boynton Beach Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Dolphin Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Emerald Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Gator Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to James Road Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Marlin Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Oak Grove Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Onyx Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Panther Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Redding Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to 23rd Court Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to 66th Street Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Boynton Beach Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Dolphin Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Emerald Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Gator Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to James Road Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Marlin Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Oak Grove Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Onyx Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Panther Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 200 N95 masks to Redding Group Home

BStrong GEM Shipped 300 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Community Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to West Roxbury Health and Rehabilitation Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Freeman Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Gladwin Nursing and Rehabilitation

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Grayling Nursing and Rehabilitation Community

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Westgate Nursing, Rehabilitation & Assisted Living Community

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Neighborhood at Tellico Village

BStrong GEM Shipped 500 Surgical masks to North Shore Animal League America

BStrong GEM Shipped 400 Surgical masks and 20 N95 masks to Edmor Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 300 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to The Community Center

BStrong GEM shipped 108 units of full body protective suits and 400 KN95 masks to Navajo Nation Command Center

BStrong GEM shipped 24 units of full body protective suits and 400 KN95 masks to Yukon Kuskokwim health corporation

BStrong GEM shipped 400 Surgical masks and 20 N95 masks to Edmor Group Home

BStrong GEM shipped 24 units of full body protective suits, 200 Surgical masks and 125 KN95 masks to Caring Family Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

BStrong GEM shipped 12 units of full body protective suits, 200 Surgical masks and 125 N95 masks to Golden Orchard Assisted Living and Memory Care

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 125 KN95 masks to Allisann Fain

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 125 KN95 masks to Child Crisis Network

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 125 KN95 masks to Animal Medical Center

BStrong GEM shipped 12 units of full body protective suits, 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Alvarez Funeral Home

BStrong GEM shipped 12 units of full body protective suits, 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Arthur D Beeghly LGBTQ Resource Center

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Laurie Lynn RN

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 N95 masks to Prescott Nursing and Rehab

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to South beach psychiatric center

BStrong GEM shipped 300 Surgical masks to Creative child learning center

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Spring View Manor

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to ToothProtectors Inc

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Nathan Goff DMD LLC

BStrong GEM shipped 100 KN95 masks and 200 N95 masks to Magic City Acceptance Center

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Delaware Pride

BStrong GEM shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 N95 masks to Tristate Transgender

BStrong GEM Shipped 12 units of full body protective suits, 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Arthur D Beeghly LGBTQ Resource Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 100 KN95 masks and 200 N95 masks to Magic City Acceptance Center

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Delaware Pride

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Spring View Manor

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to Nathan Goff DMD LLC

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to ToothProtectors Inc

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 KN95 masks to South beach psychiatric center

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 N95 masks to Prescott Nursing and Rehab

BStrong GEM Shipped 200 Surgical masks and 100 N95 masks to Tristate Transgender

BStrong GEM Shipped 10 Surgical masks and 250 KN95 masks to Lincoln Haven Nursing & Rehabilitation Community

BStrong GEM shipped 204 units of full body protective suits to Mass General Boston

BStrong GEM shipped 130 KN95 masks to Katherine fernandez Rundle States Attorney office

BStrong GEM shipped 100 Surgical masks and 20 N95 masks to Cecile Parker Health

BStrong GEM shipped 50 N95 masks to Molly Fischer per Amy Schumer

Viimeaikaiset virkamatkat

Storm Boris has caused significant flooding across Europe in the past few days. In regions such as Czechia & Poland, this has been the worst disaster in decades. The storm has already taken many lives and has forced thousands of people from their houses.
Hurricane Debby made landfall August 5th in Florida, USA. Hundreds of thousands of residents are without power and directly at risk for major storm surges and flooding. The GEM team has deployed from its Headquarters to offer critical supplies during and after this storm.