Donor Advised Funds

New! You can now give to GEM from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF). Donate directly on our website from hundreds of DAF providers including Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and many more. You have the power to provide immediate relief to humanitarian crisis areas today!

Please click the “Give with Donor Advised Fund” button to get started.

Why Give From Your Donor Advised Fund on This Page?

Initiating your grant on our website is the fastest and easiest way to give via your DAF. We use Chariot’s DAFpay technology to:

Questions? We’re here to help.

If you have any questions or need assistance please email [email protected]

If you prefer to mail a check please make them payable and send them to:

Global Empowerment Mission
1850 NW 84TH AVE, SUITE 100 DORAL FL 33126
Thank you for your support.
EIN: 45-3782061