GEM 2018 Missie

Orkaan Florence

Fase 1:

Hulp bij rampen

Global Empowerment Mission reageerde in de eerste fase, de rampenbestrijding, door een onmiddellijke respons te geven.

GEM had haar beoordelingsteams binnen twee dagen na de ramp ter plaatse. Met hulp van een gevangenisbewaarder uit Noord-Carolina bereikten het GEM-team en de vrijwilligers van Third Wave Fayetteville en beoordeelden drie schuilplaatsen:

  • Het True Vine Ministries onderkomen met Pastor Ernest Jones en Directeur Chad Beasley
  • De Pinetree Shelter directeur
  • Het Mana kerkasiel


Op dag 2 sloten GEM en The Third Wave Volunteers team onder leiding van Alison Thompson zich aan bij de lokale reddingspogingen met de Cajun Navy en voerden zoek- en reddingsmissies uit.

Op dag 3 werd $40.000 aan cadeaubonnen uitgedeeld aan het opvangtehuis van de Manna Church en het Pine Forest opvangtehuis in Fayetteville, samen met speelgoed, dierenvoeding, voedsel, water en hygiëneproducten die genereus werden gedoneerd door Bethenny Frankel en Bstrong.


  • Delivering Good
    Manna Church
    Third Wave Vrijwilligers

Recente missies

GEM Europe, in partnership with Goya Spain, is responding to the deadly flooding in Valencia, Spain. The floods have claimed the lives of dozens and caused severe destruction around the region. Already recorded as Spain’s worst disaster in the last 3 decades.
Storm Boris has caused significant flooding across Europe in the past few days. In regions such as Czechia & Poland, this has been the worst disaster in decades. The storm has already taken many lives and has forced thousands of people from their houses.
Verenigde Staten
On September 11th, Hurricane Francine made landfall in southern Louisiana as a category 2 hurricane. New Orleans was hit with a month’s worth of rain in just one day, causing significant flooding. The hurricane intensified rapidly before making landfall.
Verenigde Staten
Hurricane Debby made landfall August 5th in Florida, USA. Hundreds of thousands of residents went without power and were directly at risk for major storm surges and flooding.
In July 2024, Bulgaria faced the threat of about 40 wildfires around the country, with more areas being affected and evacuated every day. The GEM Europe team deployed from their Polish warehouse, bringing supplies for first responders & evacuated residents.
Verenigde Staten
California’s biggest fire of the year is had caused extreme devastation throughout Butte, Plumas, Shasta, and Tehama County. The fire had burned more than the entire size of Los Angeles, destroying hundreds of homes and businesses.
The Canadian province of Alberta has experienced 122 wildfires in 2024 already. As of late, the historic town of Jasper suffered tremendous damage from an out of control wildfire, burning over 79,000 acres. Thousands of residents were forced to evacuate.