GEM 2021 Mission

Initiativ til ferie for hjemløse i USA

Fase 1:


Bstrong har i samarbejde med Global Empowerment Mission, Goya Cares og Good360 lanceret et "Homeless Holiday Initiative" (ferieinitiativ for hjemløse).

G.E.M. Bstrong vil sende en række U.C. Group-selvbiler i fuld størrelse fyldt med tusindvis af Family Necessities Kits, der er tilpasset den hjemløse befolkning.

Den første uddeling begynder på Giving Tuesday (30. november 2021) i New York City.


Nylige missioner

Early April, Taiwan’s east coast was struck by a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake. GEM’s existing relationship with Japan’s Hunger Zero organization was critical in getting accurate and frequent updates from the ground.
On January 1st, a major 7.6 earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Japan. This earthquake was the deadliest in Japan since 2016, taking the lives of hundreds and injuring many more

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